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Lawn Care Services

Fall Core Aeration In Brooklyn Park, MN


Brooklyn Park Fall Core Aeration

Ready Pro Lawn provides residential Core Aeration services in and around Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.

Through the seasons your lawn and top soil can become compacted, this compaction can create thatch layers of dead grass. This thatch layer in turn prevents air and proper nutrients from getting to the root system of the grass. Your grass could possibly not grow to its potential and or die without proper oxygen and food.

To progressivly minimize this thatch layer and increase oxygen to the root systems of your lawn, we punch holes into the surface of the soil. Removing a plug of soil and grass from the lawns surface loosens the soil beneath then oxygen, water and nutrients can reach the root system improving grass and root growth.

Fall aerating your lawn can be done in the early fall months of August and September. You can lawn aerate your lawn in Spring and Summer under certain circumstances, but in the midwest climates you should do it in the late Summer or Fall usually.

Brooklyn Park Fall Core Aeration

Other Fall Services

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  • Fall Dethatching
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