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Ramsey Mn Dethatching Services

Fall Dethatching Services In Ramsey, MN


Ramsey Fall Dethatching Services

Ready Pro Lawn provides lawn dethatching services throughout Ramsey, Minnesota.

Thatch is a layer of living and dead stems, leaves, and roots which accumulates between the layer of actively growing grass and the soil. Having a great extent of a thatch layer stops sun, nutrients and proper water intake for the lawn to thrive and grow green and healthy.

Dethatching is the process of removing a part of this thatch layer, this helps the root system of the growing grass get more sun, nutrients and water.

Fall dethatching should be done in early fall; you should only dethatch if your grass is a cool-season grass, the majority of the lawn is not stressed and is activley thriving.

When we dethatch a lawn we mount a tine rake dethatcher to our commercial grade mower. The dethatcher tines and pulls the thatch loose from the thriving grass while cutting your grass at the same time. With extra passes the thatch is then picked up by our mower which has a bagger system leaving your lawn free of the excess thatch.

Ramsey Fall Dethatching

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